Pearson Vue, the world’s leading computer-based testing company, and Anglo Schools International Services (ASIS) Ltd, are offering On-Line Admissions Testing for both UK and International schools at 11+, 13+ and 16+.
After a three-year international trial period this technology-led approach to admissions testing is now being rolled out through the UK and in India, China, the Middle East, Japan and Europe.
Pearson Vue technology combines with test content developed by a panel of UK Independent Schools directors of studies and admissions tutors, contracted to ASIS.
The tests, across three age groups, consist of English comprehension and grammar, Maths (at standard, advanced and super-advanced levels), and General Knowledge, with questions on history, geography, science, sport and current affairs.
Each test takes two hours and consists of 250 questions.
The tests are not predictive but provide data on student’s current academic standards.